Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tis is the orginal recipe of naan bread

1 tsp dried active yeast
1 tsp demerara sugar
200 g plain flour
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp baking powder
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp natural yoghurt
2 tbsp milk
1 small bowl
1 teaspoon
1 tablespoon
1 mixing bowl
1 rolling pin
1 oven tray
1 pastry brush
1 tea towel
Step 2:
Mix 1 teaspoon of dried yeast with 1 tablespoon of warm water in a small bowl. Stir a teaspoon of sugar into the yeast mixture. Put the bowl in a warm place, and leave it for 5 minutes, until the yeast is covered with froth.
Step 3:
While the yeast begins to froth, start to mix the dough. In a large mixing bowl, put 200g of plain flour, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, and 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder. Mix well. Stir in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of natural yoghurt, 2 tablespoons of milk and the yeast mixture, which should be frothy by now. Mix a little, with a spoon.
Step 4:
Press your knuckles repeatedly into the dough. Continue kneading in this way until you have a soft pliable dough. It should take about 5-6 minutes.
Step 5:
Dampen a tea towel or small cloth, and use it to cover the mixing bowl. Leave it in a warm place to rise. This should take 10 to 15 minutes.
Step 6:
Pre-heat the oven
Preheat the oven to 140 degrees Celsius, 275 degrees Fahrenheit, or Gas Mark 1.
Step 7:
Shape the dough
When the dough is ready, it will be spongy and springy. Lightly sprinkle a little flour over a clean work surface. Divide the dough into 4 equally sized balls. With your hands, or a rolling pin, roll each into a long oval shape, about half a centimetre, or a quarter of an inch thick. Don't roll them out too thinly, or they'll turn out like crisps.
Step 8:
Grease a baking tray with a little oil on a pastry brush. Place the ovals of dough onto the tray, and then in the centre of the oven for 10 to 15 minutes. When they're ready, they should be light golden, soft and crumbly.
Step 9:
Serve hot, with your favourite curry, like Chicken Jalfrezi or Lamb Madras.
Thanks for watching our video How To Make Naan Bread For more how to videos, expert advice, instructional tips, tricks, guides and tutorials on this subject, visit the topic Indian.
Hi everyone
This is the recipe of the aromattic naan bread
First, you need to mix some dried yeast with 1tabelspoon worm water, and stir them. Then stir 1teaspoon suger with the mixture, and leave it for 5 minutes.After the 5 minutes,stir 1 tablespoon of vigetable oil ,2 tablespoon yougurt,and 2 tablespoon sof milk with the yeast mixture.Text step is, add 200g ,1/4teaspon salt ,1/2teasponof bakink powder with plain flour to make the dough, and mix them throuly. The fourth step, is kneeing wich you should do it until the dough becom soft,and easy to deal with. Cover the dough,and leave it for 15 minutes to rise.The hardest step is to shape the bread spicialy if you don't have an exoeriance in making bread.Preheat the ove to 275fahrenheit. the last thing to do is to bake the bread on a try for 10 to 15 minutes until they be golden.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Zakiya alsadah

On a spring weekend my parents suggested to go to our club house near the forest for two days to enjoy the nature. I was so exited because I always wanted to discover the place there. Then I started collecting everything I thought I needed it for the journey. We arrived to the club house before the sunset, so we ate our dinner then we went to beds.

I woke up early in the morning, and it was a beautiful sunny day. I opened my room windows directly. I could feel the cold air moisture hitting my sleepy face, and gave me a charge of energy to start a new day. After I had a long worm shower, I run along the stairs to meet my family on the breakfast table in our garden. After a while, our neighbors joined us to drink some tea, actually, I didn’t like the noise that my neighbors do. Also, they don’t have little children to play with my, so I went with my father to plant some flowers. I was dancing on the birds singing, and I was chasing butterflies while my father was planting the flowers.
However, when I went far from my father, he alerted me how it is dangerous to walk alone in this rural place especially for 8 years old girl. I was so impressive of the forest. I could hear it calling me to discover it secrets, and it was my next plan.
Next morning, I deceived my mother to go playing a lone in the garden, while I was going to see the forest. The road was longer than I expected, but it was vary interesting. Before I entered the forest there were a musician who was playing music to get some money for his family. I got closer and closer to this man. Moreover, I felt like some thing was pulling me to him. After he finisher his paying, I gave him some money. I had forgotten my parent’s advices about talking with strangers. But this man seems a good man. Later, he gave me a candy. I then I continue walking to my big adventure. I surprise by the nature beauty there. Spring here and there, rabbets jumping, birds flying.
I started feeling hungry, so I take the candy than the musician gave my and I started eating. Minuets later, I felt like the earth is moving a round me too fast then I fell down. I opened my ayes, and I found my self on a different world. It was too hot, and I was surrounded by yellow sand. I scared and screamed calling my parents, but no one answered me. I realized that I was in another place, and the candy that the musician had given me caused this transferring. I walked for a long distant may I could find somebody could helps me. Furthermore, I saw many animals in this place,, but I shocked when I saw a huge elephant. At this moment, I knew that I was in African safari. I got more scared because me be there were lions or wiled animals could hurt me. I cried so long. Then I thought that what will happen if I ate some candy again. May it could returned me to my family. I toke another peace of the musician candy, and I put it in my mouth. I had the same feeling the earth started moving again.
I woke up on the noisy sounds. Cars were everywhere. Also, I couldn’t see the sky because of the high buildings. After I saw this view, I was disappointed, and I couldn’t think. I got a strong feeling to tell some one in this city a bout my story, but no one will believe me. Then I tried to discover the city to know which city is this. After I knew it is NY , I relived and scared at the same time. On one hand, It was dangerous for a little girl to be alone in this city. On the other hand, I could call my parent to come and take me. Next, I looked for a telephone in a store. I asked the manager if I he could give me the address, and if could stay in the store until my parents arrive .and he agreed, and called my father and my mother. They were afraid that something bad happened to me. I gave them the address, and asked them to come soon.
After a few hours, my parents arrived. I didn’t say anything. I hugged my mother, and promised that I will never talk, or take anything from stranger.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

living in the United state give me a great chance to learn many new things. The first thing that i have learn is to respect the time. In my country it is ok to arrive to appointment a few minuets late, but here every minuet is valuable. The second thing that i have learned that to learn how to understand the difference among many cultures.