Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hi everyone
This is the recipe of the aromattic naan bread
First, you need to mix some dried yeast with 1tabelspoon worm water, and stir them. Then stir 1teaspoon suger with the mixture, and leave it for 5 minutes.After the 5 minutes,stir 1 tablespoon of vigetable oil ,2 tablespoon yougurt,and 2 tablespoon sof milk with the yeast mixture.Text step is, add 200g ,1/4teaspon salt ,1/2teasponof bakink powder with plain flour to make the dough, and mix them throuly. The fourth step, is kneeing wich you should do it until the dough becom soft,and easy to deal with. Cover the dough,and leave it for 15 minutes to rise.The hardest step is to shape the bread spicialy if you don't have an exoeriance in making bread.Preheat the ove to 275fahrenheit. the last thing to do is to bake the bread on a try for 10 to 15 minutes until they be golden.

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